Resin PA12

Resin Senyawa PA12 

PA12 compound resin builds on the strengths of PA12 resin by adding fillers or additives. This enhances properties like flame retardancy, electrical conductivity, or specific colors. It offers a wider range of performance possibilities.

Item No.: PA12 A-1

Warna: Hitam


Breif Introduction of PA12 Compound Resin

PA12 compound resin takes the strong foundation of PA12 material, also known as Nylon 12, and elevates its capabilities by incorporating fillers and additives. These enhancements cater to specific needs, such as improved flame retardancy, increased electrical conductivity, or achieving desired colors.

A common example is PA12 CF, which introduces carbon fiber reinforcement. This significantly boosts the strength and stiffness of the compound resin. Compared to standard PA12 material, PA12 compound resin offers a broader spectrum of performance possibilities, making it a versatile material for various applications.

One such application is PA12 extrusion. By using PA12 compound resin in extrusion processes, manufacturers can create parts with tailored properties. For instance, flame-retardant additives can be incorporated for applications requiring enhanced fire safety.

Overall, PA12 compound resin provides greater flexibility and control compared to base PA12 material. This allows manufacturers to achieve specific performance requirements for diverse end products in industries like automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods.

Application Industry of PA12 Compound Resin

Satellite Parts

Satellite Parts

Building Material

Building Material

Medical Filter

Medical Filter

PA12 Compound Resin Data

Sifat reologikering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Laju aliran volume leleh, MVR25 / *cm³ / 10 menitISO 1133
Suhu275 / *°CISO 1133
Memuat5 / *kgISO 1133
Penyusutan cetakan, paralel0.7 / *%ISO 294-4, 2577
Penyusutan cetakan, normal1.3 / *%ISO 294-4, 2577
Sifat mekanikkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Modulus tarik1550 / 1300MPaISO 527-1/-2
Tegangan hasil46 / 42MPaISO 527-1/-2
Regangan hasil4 / 12%ISO 527-1/-2
Regangan nominal saat istirahat>50 / >50%ISO 527-1/-2
Kekuatan impak Charpy, +23°CN / NkJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Kekuatan benturan Charpy, -30°CN / NkJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Kekuatan benturan berlekuk Charpy, +23°C10C / 12CkJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Kekuatan benturan berlekuk Charpy, -30°C8C / 8CkJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Sifat termalkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Suhu leleh, 10°C/menit178 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
Suhu defleksi di bawah beban, 1,80 MPa50 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Suhu. defleksi di bawah beban, 0,45 MPa110 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Suhu pelunakan vicat, 50°C / jam 50N140 / *°CISO 306
Koefisien suhu linier. ekspansi, paralel150 / *E-6/KISO 11359-1/-2
Perilaku pembakaran pada ketebalan nominal 1,5 mmHB / *kelasIEC 60695-11-10
Ketebalan yang diuji (1,5)1.6 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
Sifat listrikkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Permitivitas relatif, 100Hz9.7 / 5IEC 62631-2-1
Permitivitas relatif, 1MHz4 / 3.5IEC 62631-2-1
Faktor disipasi, 100Hz2100 / 1000E-4IEC 62631-2-1
Faktor disipasi, 1MHz1100 / 500E-4IEC 62631-2-1
Resistivitas volume1E10 / 5E10Ohm * mIEC 62631-3-1
Resistivitas permukaan* / 6E14OhmIEC 62631-3-2
Kekuatan listrik39 / 35kV / mmIEC 60243-1
Indeks pelacakan komparatif600 / 600IEC 60112
Properti lainnyakering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Penyerapan air1.5 / *%Sim. ke ISO 62
Penyerapan kelembaban0.7 / *%Sim. ke ISO 62
Kepadatan1010 / 1020kg/m³ISO 1183

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