PA12 GF30

PA12 GF30

PA12 GF30 is a type of nylon plastic (polyamide 12) reinforced with 30% glass fibers (GF). This significantly boosts its strength and stiffness compared to regular PA12, making it suitable for parts requiring high mechanical performance.


Breif Introduction of PA12 GF30


PA12 GF30, also known as PA12-GF30, is a robust composite material combining the properties of polyamide 12 (PA12) plastic with 30% glass fiber (GF) reinforcement. This significantly enhances the mechanical performance of PA12, making it ideal for demanding applications.

Understanding PA12 GF30:

  • Base Material (PA12): PA12 is a type of nylon known for its good balance of strength, toughness, and chemical resistance. It’s naturally lightweight and offers good dimensional stability.
  • Reinforcement (GF30): The “GF30” refers to 30% glass fiber content. Glass fibers are tiny, strong filaments that significantly improve the mechanical properties of the plastic.

Key benefits of PA12 GF30:

  • Superior Strength and Rigidity: Compared to regular PA12, PA12 GF30 boasts significantly higher tensile strength, compressive strength, and overall stiffness. This makes it suitable for applications requiring structural support.
  • Ringan: Despite the added glass fibers, it remains lighter than most metals. This translates to weight reduction in end products.
  • Stabilitas Dimensi: It maintains its shape well under varying temperatures and loads, making it ideal for precision parts.
  • Other Properties: It often inherits additional properties from PA12, such as good chemical resistance, wear resistance, and inherent flame retardancy (depending on specific formulation).

In summary, PA12 GF30 offers a compelling combination of strength, weight savings, and dimensional stability, making it a valuable material for demanding applications across various industries.

Application Industry of PA12 GF30

Komponen Mesin

Komponen Mesin





PA12 GF30 Data

Sifat mekanikkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Data ISO
Modulus Tarik6400 / –MPaISO 527
Stres saat istirahat110 / –MPaISO 527
Saring saat istirahat7 / –%ISO 527
Kekuatan impak Charpy, +23°C90 / –kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Kekuatan benturan berlekuk Charpy, +23°C20 / –kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Sifat termalkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Data ISO
Suhu leleh, 10°C/menit178 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
Suhu defleksi di bawah beban, 1,80 MPa156 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Perilaku pembakaran. pada ketebalan 1,5 mm.HB / *kelasIEC 60695-11-10
Ketebalan diuji1.5 / *mm
Perilaku pembakaran. pada ketebalan hHB / *kelasIEC 60695-11-10
Ketebalan diuji0.8 / *mm
Sifat listrikkering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Data ISO
Resistivitas volume1E10 / -Ohm * mIEC 62631-3-1
Properti lainnyakering / kondUnitStandar Uji
Penyerapan air1 / *%Sim. ke ISO 62
Penyerapan kelembaban0.5 / *%Sim. ke ISO 62
Kepadatan1210 / –kg/m³ISO 1183
Rekomendasi Pemrosesan Cetakan InjeksiNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Pra-pengeringan - Suhu80°C
Pra-pengeringan - Waktu4 – 8h
Memproses kelembaban≤0.15%
Suhu leleh220 – 260°C
Suhu cetakan40 – 60°C

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