Živica PA66

Živica PA66

PA66 resin, also known as Nylon 66, is a high-performance thermoplastic known for its excellent mechanical properties like strength, stiffness, and wear resistance. It offers good heat resistance and chemical resistance, making it a versatile material for various demanding applications.


Breif Introduction of PA66 Resin

PA66 resin, also known as Nylon 66, is a widely used high-performance thermoplastic known for its well-rounded set of properties. This translates to outstanding mechanical strength, stiffness, wear resistance, and good heat resistance. Additionally, nylon66 resin exhibits good chemical resistance, making it suitable for applications exposed to a variety of chemicals. This combination of properties makes PA66 resin a versatile material for various demanding applications.

While PA66 resin itself offers excellent performance, its versatility can be further enhanced by adding reinforcements. For instance, PA66 GF33 (where GF stands for glass fiber and 33 represents the weight percentage of glass fiber) is a common variation that boasts significantly improved mechanical properties. This makes PA66 GF33 ideal for applications like PA66 GF33 filters and PA66 GF30 switches (a potential typo, most likely referring to PA66 GF33 switches) where high strength and rigidity are crucial.

Here’s a breakdown of some key benefits of nylon66 resin:

  • Excellent Mechanical Properties: Nylon66 resin offers outstanding strength, stiffness, and wear resistance, making it suitable for demanding applications.

  • Dobrá tepelná odolnosť: Nylon66 resin can withstand relatively high temperatures without significant deformation.

  • Dobrá chemická odolnosť: Nylon66 resin exhibits good resistance to a variety of chemicals, expanding its range of potential applications.

  • Všestrannosť: PA66 resin can be modified with additives like glass fiber (as seen in PA66 GF33) to further enhance specific properties.

Overall, PA66 resin’s well-rounded performance and versatility make it a valuable material across various industries, from automotive parts and electrical components to filtration systems and industrial machinery.

The Popular Products of PA66 Resin

Vesmírny skafander

Vesmírny skafander



Outdoor Equipment

Outdoor Equipment

PA66 Resin Data

Mechanické vlastnostisuchý / kondenzovanýJednotkaTestovací štandard
Modul pružnosti v ťahu3300 / 1600MPaISO 527-1/-2
Medza klzu83 / 60MPaISO 527-1/-2
Výnosový kmeň4.2 / 20%ISO 527-1/-2
Pevnosť pri náraze podľa Charpyho, +23 °C150 / NkJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Pevnosť v záreze podľa Charpyho, +23 °C5 / 10kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Tepelné vlastnostisuchý / kondenzovanýJednotkaTestovací štandard
Vicatova teplota mäknutia, 50 °C/h 50N242 / *°CISO 306
Ostatné vlastnostisuchý / kondenzovanýJednotkaTestovací štandard
Hustota1150 / –kg/m³ISO 1183

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