Kategori Arkiv: Nylon

Förbättrad prestanda för PA 66GF30 i fordonstillämpningar

PA 66GF30

Introduktion till PA 66GF30 PA 66GF30, en polyamid 66 förstärkt med 30%-glasfibrer, blir alltmer populär inom fordonssektorn tack vare sina överlägsna mekaniska egenskaper och termiska stabilitet. Materialet erbjuder en rad fördelar som gör det till ett förstahandsval för tillverkare som vill förbättra prestandan och livslängden hos fordonskomponenter. [...]

Fördelar med Nylon 66 Natural i textilapplikationer

nylon 66 natur

Exceptionell styrka och hållbarhet hos Nylon 66 Natural Nylon 66 Natural är en typ av polyamid som är känd för sin breda användning i textilier tack vare sina unika egenskaper och fördelar. Den sticker ut tack vare sin anmärkningsvärda draghållfasthet och hållbarhet. Dessa egenskaper gör den idealisk för applikationer som uthärdar hög stress och belastning. Dess oöverträffade [...]

Förstå egenskaperna hos PA66-material


A Dynamic Thermoplastic Marvel PA66’s inherent nature as a thermoplastic polymer renders it capable of enduring multiple cycles of melting and reshaping without compromising its integrity. This inherent feature renders it indispensable across diverse sectors, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics. Its distinctive amalgamation of traits, encompassing high strength, remarkable resistance to wear, and commendable chemical […]

Maximera potentialen: PA12 CF-komposit i 3D-utskrift

PA12 CF vs PA6 CF

Enhanced Properties for Advanced Applications The fusion of PA12 with carbon fiber yields a material boasting unparalleled strength-to-weight ratio, ideal for intricate designs and lightweight yet robust structures. Empowering Innovation Through Complex Geometries PA12 CF’s flexibility enables the creation of intricate designs and complex geometries previously challenging to achieve, particularly beneficial for industries requiring durable, […]

Vanliga modifierade plaster: En teknisk analys

Modified plastics

Common Types of Modified Plastics Nylon with Glass Fiber:This combination enhances the impact strength and rigidity of nylon, making it suitable for applications requiring high mechanical performance. Nylon with Carbon Fiber:Carbon fiber reinforcement significantly improves the tensile strength, stiffness, and dimensional stability of nylon, making it ideal for demanding applications in aerospace and automotive industries. […]

Grunderna för minskning av vattenabsorptionen hos modifierad PA6


Methods to Reduce Water Absorption in PA6 Three primary approaches are commonly employed to reduce water absorption in PA6: Co-Modification Agents:Adding co-modification agents, such as lldp, PP, or maleic anhydride polymerization, alters the chemical structure of PA6, reducing the number of polar groups that attract water molecules. Organic Fillers:Incorporating organic fillers, such as calcium carbonate […]

PA6 vs PA12: 9 skillnader mellan PA6 och PA12

PA6 vs PA12

PA6 vs PA12, also known by their more common names nylon 6 vs nylon 12, are both members of the polyamide plastic family. While they share some similarities, there are key distinctions between these two materials that influence their suitability for various applications. Let’s delve deeper into these differences to understand which one reigns supreme for your […]

Allt om nylon 6 10

Vad är Nylon 6 10

Have you ever wondered what those handy shopping bags you get at the store are made from? Well, there’s a good chance it’s nylon! Nylon is a versatile material crafted from combining molecules into various shapes, like fibers or films. It’s used in many different industries. But What is Nylon 6 10? This article will […]

Välja rätt polyamid: PA6 vs PA66


Polyamides, commonly known as nylons, are a broad group of engineering thermoplastics valued for their strength, versatility, and chemical resistance. Within this group, PA6 vs PA66 are two prominent members that can cause confusion due to their similar names and shared base material. This guide delves into the key distinctions between PA6 and PA66 to […]

Egenskaper och användningsområden för PA66 30GF

PA66 30GF

Avslöjar essensen av PA66 30GF PA66, en robust termoplastisk polymer kategoriserad som nylon, har anmärkningsvärda egenskaper som hög hållfasthet, överlägsen motståndskraft mot slitage, nötning och prisvärd kemisk stabilitet. PA66 används ofta inom fordons-, flyg- och elektronikindustrin och är ett viktigt material. 30-gauge fibern (30GF), en förbättrad version av PA66, förfinar dess [...]

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