PA11 GF25

PA11 GF25

PA11 GF25 is a high-strength plastic made from PA11 resin reinforced with 25% glass fiber (GF). This combination offers improved durability, dimensional stability, and impact resistance compared to unfilled PA11. It’s suitable for demanding applications.


Breif Introduction of PA11 GF25

PA11 GF25 is a composite material specifically designed for enhanced performance. It combines the strong foundation of PA11 (polyamide 11) resin with the reinforcing power of 25% glass fiber (GF). This synergistic blend significantly improves the mechanical properties of PA11, making PA11 GF25 a go-to material for applications requiring superior strength, dimensional stability, and impact resistance.

Here’s a closer look at the advantages of PA11 GF25:

  • Kekuatan yang ditingkatkan: The addition of glass fibers significantly boosts the tensile strength and flexural modulus of PA11 GF25 compared to unfilled PA11 polyamide. This makes it suitable for applications that experience high stress loads.
  • Peningkatan Stabilitas Dimensi: PA11 GF25 exhibits minimal warping or deformation under pressure or varying temperatures. This dimensional stability is crucial for parts requiring precise tolerances.
  • Superior Impact Resistance: The glass fiber reinforcement in PA11 GF25 enhances its ability to absorb impact without fracturing. This makes it ideal for applications prone to accidental impacts or vibrations.

Overall, PA11 GF25 offers a compelling combination of strength, stability, and impact resistance. These properties make it a valuable material for various demanding applications across diverse industries, including automotive, electronics, and consumer goods.

Application Industry of PA11 GF25

Oil Pipe

Oil Pipe

Cable Sheath

Cable Sheath


Optical Cable Sheath

PA11 GF25 Data

Karakteristik Pemrosesan / FisikNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Penyusutan Cetakan, MD0.001mm / mmASTM D 955
Sifat mekanikNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Modulus Tarik10690MPaASTM D 638
Kekuatan Tarik134MPaASTM D 638
Modulus Lentur7239MPaASTM D 790
Kekuatan Lentur186MPaASTM D 790
Izod Impact berlekuk, 1/8 inci117J/mASTM D 256
Sifat termalNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Peringkat api UL 94HBUL 94
Ketebalan diuji1.59mm
Properti lainnyaNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Biobased content79%
Kepadatan1120kg/m³ASTM D 792
Kadar air0.2%
Rekomendasi Pemrosesan Cetakan InjeksiNilaiUnitStandar Uji
Pra-pengeringan - Suhu79.4°C
Pra-pengeringan - Waktu4h
Suhu leleh224 – 288°C
Suhu cetakan37.8 – 65.6°C
Tekanan injeksi68.9 – 103MPa

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