PA6 Pastiprināts

PA6 Pastiprināts

PA6 reinforced nylon are a type of engineering plastic with high impact strength and excellent wear resistance. Compared to ordinary PA6, they undergo a special toughening modification process that improves the material’s toughness and effectively absorbs and disperses external forces. This increases product strength while reducing material brittleness.


Breif Introduction of PA6 Reinforced

PA6 is an important engineering plastic with excellent properties and a wide range of applications. However, the toughness of pure PA6 is relatively poor, limiting its use in practical applications. Therefore, the research and development of PA6 reinforced materials has become particularly important.

The PA6 reinforced nylon aims to improve the toughness of PA6 materials by adding other components. These components can be some rubber elastomers, thermoplastic polymers, rigid particles, etc. The addition of these toughening agents can effectively absorb impact energy, reduce material brittleness, and thereby improve the toughness of PA6 materials.

The preparation method of PA6 reinforced materials can vary depending on the type of toughening agent added. In general, PA6 resin and other toughening agents are uniformly mixed and then prepared by melting and blending, extrusion, injection molding and other molding processes to obtain PA6 reinforced materials.

The performance of PA6 reinforced materials is significantly improved compared with pure PA6 materials. By adding appropriate toughening agents, the impact strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and other mechanical properties of PA6 materials can be significantly improved. In addition, PA6 reinforced materials also have excellent wear resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and electrical properties.

PA6 reinforced glass fiber have been widely used in automobiles, electronics, building materials and other fields. In the automotive field in particular, the lightweight, high strength and good weather resistance of PA6 reinforced materials have been fully utilized. At the same time, PA6 reinforced materials also have good insulation performance and high and low temperature resistance in the field of electronics and electrical appliances, and have been widely used.The development of PA6 glass fiber reinforced materials helps to broaden their application fields, improve their performance and safety. 

The Popular Products of PA6 Reinforced

Automašīnu aksesuāri

Automašīnu aksesuāri

Building Material

Building Material

Electronic Products

Electronic Products

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