PA610 GF30

PA610 GF30

PA610 GF30 is a type of nylon 610 reinforced with 30% glass fiber. Compared to PA610 GF25, it boasts even greater strength and stiffness due to the increased fiber content. However, this also makes it slightly heavier and potentially more brittle. It’s commonly used in demanding applications requiring high performance.


Breif Introduction of PA610 GF30


PA610 GF30 is a robust engineering plastic built on a foundation of Nylon 610, but with a significant upgrade: 30% glass fiber reinforcement. Let’s delve into what this means:

  • Base Material: PA610, a type of nylon known for its inherent strength, elasticity, and good heat resistance. It also offers favorable electrical properties compared to other nylons.
  • Glass Fiber Reinforcement: The “GF30” signifies 30% glass fibers are added to the plastic. These tiny, reinforcing strands significantly enhance the material’s overall performance.

Key benefits of PA610 GF30:

  • Izjemna moč: Compared to unfilled PA610, the 30% glass fiber content dramatically improves the material’s tensile strength and rigidity. This makes PA610 GF30 ideal for applications requiring high mechanical loads.
  • Increased Stiffness: PA610 GF30 exhibits significantly less flex and bend compared to pure PA610, making it a great choice for components needing dimensional stability.
  • Good Electrical Properties: PA610 itself boasts favorable electrical properties, and the addition of glass fibers doesn’t significantly hinder this advantage.

Things to Consider:

  • Brittleness: While stronger, PA610 GF30 can be slightly more brittle than unfilled nylon. This means it may be more susceptible to cracking under high impact.
  • Teža: The presence of glass fibers increases the overall weight of the material compared to pure PA610.
  • Machinability: Machining or drilling PA610 GF30 might be slightly more challenging due to the presence of glass fibers.

Overall, PA610 GF30 is a valuable material for demanding applications where superior strength, stiffness, and good electrical properties are crucial. It’s commonly used in automotive parts, electronic components, and various industrial applications.

Application Industry of PA610 GF30

Medical Instrument

Medical Instrument

Airplane Accessories

Airplane Accessories

Dodatki za avtomobile

Dodatki za avtomobile

PA610 GF30 Data Sheet

Mehanske lastnostisuh / kondenziranEnotaPreskusni standard
Podatki ISO
Natezni modul8000 / 7100MPaISO 527
Stres med odmorom150 / 130MPaISO 527
Deformacija ob prekinitvi3.5 / 7%ISO 527
Flexural modulus, 23°C7600 / –MPaISO 178
Upogibna trdnost220 / –MPaISO 178
Udarna trdnost po Charpyju, +23 °C80 / 85kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Udarna trdnost po Charpyju, +23 °C12 / 14kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Udarna trdnost po Charpyju, -30 °C9 / –kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Toplotne lastnostisuh / kondenziranEnotaPreskusni standard
Podatki ISO
Temperatura taljenja, 10 °C/min220 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
Temperatura deformacije pri obremenitvi, 1,80 MPa200 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Temperatura deformacije pri obremenitvi, 0,45 MPa210 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Temp. of deflection under load, 8.00 MPa140 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Obnašanje pri gorenju pri debelini 1,5 mm.HB / *razredIEC 60695-11-10
Preizkušena debelina1.5 / *mm
Obnašanje pri gorenju pri debelini hHB / *razredIEC 60695-11-10
Preizkušena debelina0.8 / *mm
Električne lastnostisuh / kondenziranEnotaPreskusni standard
Podatki ISO
Prostorninska upornost1E11 / –Ohm*mIEC 62631-3-1
Električna moč30 / –kV/mmIEC 60243-1
Primerjalni indeks sledenja550 / –IEC 60112
Druge lastnostisuh / kondenziranEnotaPreskusni standard
Absorpcija vode1.4 / *%Sim. z ISO 62
Absorpcija vlage0.6 / *%Sim. z ISO 62
Gostota1300 / –kg/m³ISO 1183
Priporočilo za obdelavo VbrizgavanjeVrednostEnotaPreskusni standard
Predsušenje - temperatura80°C
Predsušenje - čas2 – 4h
Vlažnost obdelave≤0.1%
Temperatura taljenja240 – 290°C
Temperatura plesni80 – 100°C

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