PA610 GF25

PA610 GF25

PA610 GF25 is a type of plastic known as a nylon 610 reinforced with 25% glass fiber. This makes it stronger and more rigid than unfilled nylon 610, but also slightly heavier. It has good electrical properties and is often used in electronic applications.


Breif Introduction of PA610 GF25

PA610 GF25 is a material designation for a type of engineering plastic. Let’s break it down:

  • PA610: This refers to a specific type of nylon called Nylon 610. Nylon is a family of plastic materials known for their strength, elasticity, and good heat resistance. PA610 offers good electrical properties compared to other nylons.
  • GF25: This stands for “Glass Fiber” with a 25% reinforcement. Glass fibers are tiny strands of glass that are added to plastics to improve their strength and stiffness. The 25% signifies that the plastic compound contains a quarter by weight of these reinforcing fibers.

So, PA610 GF25 is essentially Nylon 610 that’s been enhanced with 25% glass fibers. This reinforcement makes the material:

  • Stronger: The glass fibers significantly improve the tensile strength and rigidity of the plastic compared to unfilled PA610.
  • Stiffer: PA610 GF25 has less flex and bend compared to pure PA610.
  • Slightly heavier: Adding the glass fibers increases the overall weight of the material.

However, there are some trade-offs:

  • Brittleness: While stronger, PA610 GF25 can become more brittle compared to unfilled nylon, meaning it may crack under high impact.
  • Machinability: The presence of glass fibers can make it slightly more challenging to machine or drill compared to pure nylon.

Overall, PA610 GF25 is a valuable material for applications where good electrical properties, increased strength, and stiffness are desired. It’s commonly used in electronic components, automotive parts, and other demanding applications.

Application Industry of PA610 GF25

Automobilių pramonė

Automobilių pramonė

Vartojimo prekės

Vartojimo prekės

Machinery Industry

Machinery Industry

PA610 GF25 Data Sheet

PA610 GF25 Data

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