Breif Introduction of Nylon 66

Nylon 66, also known as PA66, is a popular engineering plastic prized for its exceptional strength, stiffness, heat resistance, and wear resistance. These properties make it a go-to material for a wide range of applications across various industries.

Variations of Nylon 66 for Specific Needs:

  • PA66 GF13: This variation incorporates 13% glass fiber reinforcement, enhancing mechanical strength and stiffness compared to standard PA66.

  • VOSS PA66 GF35 and Bosch PA66 GF30: These are brand-specific variations likely formulated by Voss and Bosch, respectively. They contain 35% and 30% glass fiber reinforcement, potentially targeting applications requiring increased strength.

Choosing the Right Nylon 66 Variation:

The optimal choice between these Nylon 66 variations depends on your project’s specific requirements. Consider factors like:

  • Strength: For applications demanding high mechanical strength, PA66 GF13, VOSS PA66 GF35, or Bosch PA66 GF30 might be suitable options.
  • Stiffness: Similar to strength, variations with glass fiber reinforcement provide enhanced stiffness.
  • Svars: Standard PA66 might be preferable if weight reduction is a priority.
Neilona 66 struktūra

Types of Nylon 66

PA66 sveķi

PA66 resin is a high-performance thermoplastic known for its excellent mechanical properties. 


PA66 stikla šķiedra

Strong, heat-resistant plastic reinforced with tiny glass fibers for increased stiffness and durability.


PA66 pastiprināta

High-strength PA66 enhanced with reinforcing materials for superior stiffness, durability, and heat resistance.


PA66 Ugunsdrošs PA66

Fire-resistant PA66 plastic with added flame retardants for enhanced safety in demanding applications.

Ražošanas process

FAQ of Nylon 66

Nylon 66 is a type of nylon, a synthetic polymer known for its strength, elasticity, and versatility. It’s formed by reacting two different chemicals, hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid.

  • High strength and abrasion resistance: Makes it suitable for applications requiring wear and tear tolerance.
  • Laba ķīmiskā izturība: Resists many common chemicals like oils, fuels, and some alkalis.
  • Low moisture absorption: Compared to other nylons, PA66 absorbs less water, making it dimensionally stable.
  • High melting point: Allows it to withstand high temperatures without melting or deforming.
  • Good electrical insulation: Makes it useful in electrical applications.

While similar, Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 have some key differences:

  • Ūdens absorbcija: PA6 absorbs more water, affecting dimensional stability.
  • Heat deflection: PA6 has a lower heat deflection temperature than PA66.
  • Ķīmiskā izturība: PA66 generally offers better chemical resistance.

PA66 has a wide range of applications due to its properties. Here are some examples:

  • Šķiedras: Used in textiles like carpets, clothing, and sportswear.
  • Inženierdaļas: Gears, bearings, fasteners, and other mechanical components.
  • Automobiļu daļas: Engine components, hoses, and other under-the-hood applications.
  • Elektriskie komponenti: Wire insulation, connectors, and housings.
  • When melting or processing PA66, fumes may be released. Proper ventilation is crucial to avoid inhaling these fumes.
  • Molten PA66 can cause burns. Wear appropriate gloves and eye protection when handling hot material.
  • PA66 dust can irritate the skin and respiratory system. Wear appropriate dust masks and clothing when working with PA66 in powdered or dust form.

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