Nylon 612 GF25

PA12 GF25

PA12 GF25 is a type of nylon plastic, specifically a polyamide 12 (PA12) filled with 25% glass fiber (GF). This makes it stronger and more rigid than regular nylon 12, but also lighter than metals. It’s often used in applications that require good mechanical strength and dimensional stability.


Breif Introduction of PA12 GF25

Fiberglass-reinforced PA12 GF25: A Superior Material for Diverse Applications

PA12 GF25, a composite material made by incorporating glass fibers into the base PA12 plastic, offers a remarkable combination of desirable properties:

  • Hoge hittebestendigheid: PA12 GF25 withstands elevated temperatures without compromising its integrity.

  • Exceptional Dimensional Stability: This material maintains its shape and dimensions remarkably well under varying conditions.

  • Superior Toughness: PA12 GF25 exhibits outstanding resistance to breakage and deformation.

  • Uitstekende elektrische isolatie: It effectively prevents the flow of electrical current, making it suitable for electrical applications.

  • Enhanced Corrosion Resistance: PA12 GF25 stands up well against corrosive substances, ensuring long-lasting performance.

  • Hoge mechanische sterkte: PA12 GF25 boasts impressive strength, making it ideal for structural components.

The inferior adhesion of paint to nylon surfaces is often attributed to the low surface energy and high crystallinity of nylon. This results in poor wetting of the paint on the nylon substrate, leading to adhesion issues and potential paint delamination during various tests. The addition of glass fibers or carbon fibers to nylon further complicates adhesion due to their non-polar nature and low surface energy.

Key Properties of PA12 GF25:

  • Low Density: Lightweight for efficient use of materials.

  • Low Melting Point: Easier processing and fabrication.

  • High Decomposition Temperature: Resists thermal degradation at elevated temperatures.

  • Low Water Absorption: Maintains dimensional stability in humid environments.

  • Excellent Low-Temperature Performance: Retains properties even in cold conditions.

  • Effective Noise Reduction: Dampens vibrations and reduces noise levels.

PA12 GF25 proves to be an exceptional material choice for a wide spectrum of applications, offering a combination of desirable properties that make it a valuable asset in various industries.

Application Industry of PA12 GF25



Air Conditioning Pipe

Air Conditioning Pipe

Optische kabelmantel

Optische kabelmantel

PA12 GF25 Data

Reologische eigenschappendroog / condEenheidTestnorm
Smeltvolume-stroomsnelheid, MVR80 / *cm³/10minISO 1133
Temperatuur275 / *°CISO 1133
Belasting21.6 / *kgISO 1133
Vormkrimp, parallel0.3 / *%ISO 294-4, 2577
Vormkrimp, normaal0.8 / *%ISO 294-4, 2577
Mechanische eigenschappendroog / condEenheidTestnorm
Trekmodulus6800 / –MPaISO 527-1/-2
Opbrengstspanning120 / –MPaISO 527-1/-2
Opbrengst spanning3.6 / –%ISO 527-1/-2
Nominale rek bij breuk4.6 / –%ISO 527-1/-2
Charpy slagvastheid, +23°C75C / —kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Charpy slagvastheid, -30°C70C / —kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
Charpy kerfslagsterkte, +23°C10C / —kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Charpy kerfslagsterkte, -30°C11C / —kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Thermische eigenschappendroog / condEenheidTestnorm
Smelttemperatuur, 10°C/min178 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
Temp. van doorbuiging onder belasting, 1,80 MPa170 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Temp. van doorbuiging onder belasting, 0,45 MPa175 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
Vicat verwekingstemperatuur, 50°C/h 50N170 / *°CISO 306
Coëfficiënt van lineaire thermische uitzetting, parallel100 / *E-6/KISO 11359-1/-2
Coëfficiënt van lineaire thermische uitzetting, normaal80 / *E-6/KISO 11359-1/-2
Brandgedrag bij 1,5 mm nominale dikteHB / *klasseIEC 60695-11-10
Geteste dikte (1,5)1.6 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
Gele kaart beschikbaarJa / *
Brandgedrag bij dikte hHB / *klasseIEC 60695-11-10
Geteste dikte (h)0.8 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
Gele kaart beschikbaarJa / *
Elektrische eigenschappendroog / condEenheidTestnorm
Volumeweerstandsvermogen21 / –Ohm*mIEC 62631-3-1
Andere eigenschappendroog / condEenheidTestnorm
Waterabsorptie1.2 / *%Sim. aan ISO 62
Vochtigheidsabsorptie0.5 / *%Sim. aan ISO 62
Dichtheid1270 / –kg/m³ISO 1183

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