مقاومة البرودة PA6

مقاومة البرودة PA6

PA6, or nylon 6, offers good inherent cold resistance. This means it maintains its strength and functionality at relatively low temperatures. While not the most extreme option, unmodified PA6 cold resistance can perform well in cold environments.

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Breif Introduction of PA6 Cold Resistance

PA6, also known as nylon 6, is a widely used engineering plastic known for its well-rounded performance. One of its key strengths is its inherent PA6 cold resistance. This translates to PA6 maintaining its strength and functionality at relatively low temperatures. While not the most extreme option for frigid environments, unmodified PA6 can perform well without becoming brittle or breaking.

However, it’s important to note that PA6 temperature resistance can vary depending on the specific grade and any additives used. For exceptionally cold applications, there are modified PA6 formulations designed with enhanced low-temperature performance.

Beyond its cold resistance, PA6 also boasts good pa6 chemical resistance. This makes it a versatile material that can withstand exposure to a variety of chemicals without degradation. This, combined with its good mechanical properties, makes PA6 a valuable choice for applications in various industries.

The Popular Products of PA6 Cold Resistance



Mine Equipment Parts

Mine Equipment Parts

Military Equipment

Military Equipment

PA6 Cold Resistance Data


PA6 Cold Resistance Datasheet
PropertiesTest conditionsTest unitTest values
Physical properties
الكثافةISO 1183g/cm31.37
MDISO 294-4%0.4-0.7
Ash contentISO 1762%30
Impact performance
Missing impact strength of the cantilever beam  
23°CISO 180J/m39
Thermal performance
Thermal deformation temperature   
1.8 MPa, unannealedISO 306°C180
Melting temperatureISO 1133°C220
الخواص الكهربائية
Volumetric electropositive rateIEC 93-1983ohms·cm1.0E+13 to 1.0E+15
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243كيلو فولت/ملم3.8
الخواص الميكانيكية
Rockwell hardness  120
Grade R
Tensile strength  
YieldISO 527-2Mpa88.3
Tensile strain  
BreakISO 527-2%7.0
Flexural modulusISO 178Mpa4900
قوة الانثناءISO 178Mpa123

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[معرّفات المنتجات="89،1119،1147″ أعمدة="3″]

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