Breif Introduction of Nylon 11 

Nylon 11, also known as polyamide 11 (PA 11), is a high-performance plastic known for its exceptional balance of properties. Derived from castor beans, it’s a bioplastic option for those seeking sustainable materials.

Here’s what makes Nylon 11 stand out:

  • Strong and tough: Ideal for demanding applications due to its excellent mechanical properties.
  • Chemical resistant: Withstands exposure to a wide range of chemicals, including oils, fuels, and alkalis.
  • Moisture resistant: Unaffected by moisture, maintaining its shape and size.
  • Electrically insulating: Offers good electrical insulation properties.
  • Temperature extremes: Performs well at both high and low temperatures.

These properties make Nylon 11 a versatile material used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electrical, and consumer goods.

Nylon 11 Structure

Types of Nylon 11

PA11 GF25

PA11 GF25 is a type of nylon plastic reinforced with 25% glass fibers for added strength.

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PA11 GF30

PA11 GF30 is a nylon 11 plastic with 30% glass fiber reinforcement, making it stronger.

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راتنج PA11

PA11 extrusion is a process to create shapes by forcing molten PA11 plastic through a mold.

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راتنج مركب PA11 مركب PA11

PA11 extrusion compound is a pre-mixed PA11 plastic ready for extrusion processes.

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Manufacturing Process of Nylon Plastic

FAQ of Nylon 11

Nylon 11, which is also known as PA11, is a type of nylon resin known for its good impact resistance and flexibility.

  • More ductile and less brittle than other nylons.
  • High impact resistance and flexibility.
  • Functional prototypes requiring high impact resistance.
  • Parts needing flexibility (e.g., hinges).
  • Common method: Extrusion (molten plastic forced through a mold).
  • Also used in 3D printing processes like Selective Laser Sintering (SLS).
  • PA11 stands for Polyamide 11 (another name for Nylon 11).
  • GF refers to glass fiber reinforcement, with a number indicating the percentage (e.g., 30% for PA11 GF30).
  • These offer increased strength compared to unfilled Nylon 11.

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