Wzmocniony PA66

Wzmocniony PA66

PA66 reinforced takes standard PA66 nylon plastic and strengthens it with additional materials like glass fibers. This significantly boosts its strength, stiffness, and dimensional stability, making it ideal for demanding applications that require high performance.


Breif Introduction of PA66 Reinforced

PA66 reinforced builds upon the strong foundation of standard PA66 plastic to deliver enhanced performance for demanding applications. This is achieved by incorporating reinforcing materials, most commonly glass fibers. These fibers are typically added in various weight percentages, with a popular example being PA66 GF30. Here, “GF” stands for glass fiber, and “30” signifies that 30% of the material’s weight is composed of glass fibers.

The addition of these reinforcements significantly enhances the properties of PA66:

  • Zwiększona wytrzymałość i sztywność: Compared to standard PA66, Nylon66 reinforced offers a substantial boost in strength and stiffness. This makes it ideal for applications that require high mechanical performance under load, such as structural components or gears.

  • Ulepszona stabilność wymiarowa: Nylon66 reinforced exhibits minimal warping or deformation under pressure or at elevated temperatures. This enhanced dimensional stability makes it a reliable choice for precision parts.

  • Zwiększona odporność na ciepło: While PA66 already possesses good heat resistance, nylon66 reinforced offers slightly improved performance in this area. This can be beneficial for applications exposed to moderate heat.

These improvements translate to a wider range of potential applications for PA66 reinforced. Here are just a few examples:

  • Części samochodowe: Engine components, structural parts, and gear housings can all benefit from the strength and heat resistance of nylon66 reinforced.

  • Podzespoły elektryczne: Due to its good insulating properties and dimensional stability, PA66 reinforced is suitable for demanding electrical applications like PA66-GF30 connectors.

  • Sensors: The precise nature of PA66 reinforced makes it a valuable material for PA66-GF30 sensor housings, ensuring structural integrity and dimensional accuracy.

  • Maszyny przemysłowe: Gears, bearings, and machine components requiring high strength and wear resistance can be made from PA66 reinforced.

PA66 reinforced offers a powerful combination of properties that make it a versatile and reliable choice for demanding applications where superior mechanical performance is crucial.

The Popular Products of PA66 Reinforced

Engine Seat

Engine Seat

Electrical Insulation Products

Electrical Insulation Products

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